Seizures and Epilepsy
Study Guide
Epileptic seizure: synchronous excessive discharge of neurons in the cerebral cortex, manifesting as a stereotyped disturbance of consciousness, behavior, emotion, motor function, or sensation.
Classically with sudden onset, lasting seconds to minutes, and usually ceases spontaneously.
Epilepsy: Chronic tendency for recurrent spontaneous unprovoked seizure.
Status epileptics A medical emergency with a high mortality rate caused by the state of continuous or recurrent seizures, with failure to regain consciousness between seizures over 30 minutes.
Can cause anoxic brain damage.
Prodrome: Premonitory changes in mood or behavior; these may precede the attack by some hours.
Ictus: The attack or seizure itself.
Postictal period: The time after the ictus during which the patient may be drowsy, confused and disorientated.
May have focal neurological signs (e.g. Todd’s paralysis).
Differential Diagnosis:
1. Mechanism of seizure initiation and propagation
a. Initiation:High-frequencyburstsofactionpotentialsandhypersynchronization
Long-lasting depolarization of the neuronal membrane due to influx of extracellular (Ca2+)!opening of voltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channels!influx of Na+, and generation of repetitive action potentials!hyperpolarizing mediated by GABA receptors or potassium (K+) channels.
b. Propagation (the process by which a partial seizure spreads):
Sufficient activation to recruit neurons!loss of nearby inhibition!spread of seizure activity.
2. Epileptogenesis:
a. Transformation of a normal neuronal network into a chronically hyperexcitable one.
Initial CNS injury (trauma, stroke, or infection) ! months/years! first seizure.
Injury starts a process that progressively lowers the seizure threshold in the affected region ! spontaneous seizure occurs.
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Agabegi, Steven S, Elizabeth D Agabegi, and Adam C Ring. Step8Up To Medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters
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Written by: Abdullah AlAsaad
Reviewed by: Roaa Amer
Haifa Al Issa
Web Publisher: Adel Yasky