Study guide:
Generalized inflammation of brain parenchyma often seen with/or after meningitis.
Risk Factors:
AIDS CD4+<200 & immunity suppression
Traveling to undeveloped countries
Exposure to insects (mosquitoes) bites in endemic areas
Exposure to bats in endemic areas
Viral origin:
HSV-1➔ Cowdry bodies on microscope (most common cause of encephalitis).
Rabies (Arbovirus)➔ Negri bodies on microscope (Eastern equine encephalitis).
Measles➔Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).
Others: CMV, mumps, EBV, CJD.
T-cell lymphoma
Metabolic encephalopathies
Clinical Presentation:
Prodrome of headache, malaise, and myalgias.
S&S of meningitis.
2 important features:
Change in the mental status.
Focal neurological deficit (hemiparesis, Cranial nerve lesions, aphasias, seizures etc.)
CT brain to exclude any space-occupying lesion (initially).
MRI is the imaging modality of choice to rule out abscesses or focal neurological deficits.
CSF analysis:
Normal/↓ glucose.
CSF PCR is the most sensitive test for identifying viral causes.
Brain biopsy is the last reservoir used for critically ill patients with no clear Dx and in CJD.
(refer to the dementia overview document for more information on CJD)
Supportive management (mechanical ventilation if needed).
Antiviral for:
HSV-1: Acyclovir
CMV: Gancyclovir or Foscarnet
Steroids are not effective (according to the current evidence).
Kumar, Parveen J, and Michael L Clark. Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine. Print.
Hauser, Stephen, and Scott Josephson. Harrison's Neurology In Clinical Medicine. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill. Print.
Yogarajah, Mahinda. Neurology. Edinburgh: Mosby/Elsevier, 2014. Print.
Agabegi, Steven S, Elizabeth D Agabegi, and Adam C Ring. Step-Up To Medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013. Print.
Walker, Brian R et al. Davidson's Principles And Practice Of Medicine. Print.
First author: Roaa Amer
Second author : Abdullah AlAsaad
Reviewers: Bayan AlZomaili
Format Editor: Adel Yasky