Cerebral Palsy
Non-progressive abnormality of the movements and posture leading to activity limitation due to multiple disturbances to the fetal or infant brain. Rarely hereditary.
Usually associated with other comorbidities and impairments e.g.: cognitive, communication, and perception impairment, or seizures and epilepsy.
Most common cause of Motor impairment in children.
According to community-based study done in 2011, CP is one of the most common neurological disorders in Saudi children with prevalence rate of 23.4/10000.
According to the ADDM, the prevalence of CP in the US is 1 in 323 children.
Prevalence is high among twins and premature births.
Majority of the cases (>50%) are idiopathic.
If a cause was identified, it is classified as following:
Study guide:
Preterm infants are more prone to ischemia and/or intraventricular hemorrhage.
With increase survival for preterm births, the CP incidence has increased.
Clinical Presentation:
General features:
Abnormal limb\trunk posture.
Abnormal tone in infancy.
Delayed motor milestones.
Slow head growth.
Oromotor incoordination, slow feeding, gagging, and vomiting.
Abnormal gait.
Asymmetric hand function in <12 month of age.
Seizure disorders.
Behavioral disorders.
Vision, hearing impairment, and speech deficit.
Clinical subtypes of CP:
Damage to the UMN: pyramidal and\or corticospinal tracts.
↑ Deep tendon reflexes (Babiniski sign, and hyperreflexia).
90% of the cases have intellectual disability.
3 main types:
Sparing face
Arms: fisting, flexion, pronated forearm, and asymmetric hand function.
Tiptoe walking on the affected side.
Usually present at 4-12 months.
Both Legs > arms
Hands are normal only functional impairment
Abnormal walking.
Usually seen with preterm infants.
All 4 limbs are affected equally
Opisothonus of the trunk
Poor head control
Low central tone
Severe form of CP
Usually as a result of perinatal HIE
Associated with: seizures, microcephaly, moderate to severe intellectual impairment
Involuntary movements mainly seen with stress or activity and disappear during sleep.
Primitive motor reflexes dominance.
Can be: chorea, athetosis, or dystonia. (Please refer to movement disorder study guide).
Floppiness, and poor trunk control.
Usually present at the end of the first year of age.
Often caused by HIE (now) and hyperbilirubenemia (past).
Genetic contribution.
Caused by acquired brain injury to the cerebellum and its connections.
Early trunk and limbs hypotonia with poor balance and ataxic gait.
Non-specific CP symptoms.
Mostly associated with CP complications and comorbidities.
70-80% of all CP patients are classified as spastic CP
CP is a clinical diagnosis based on the history and physical examination.
The diagnosis is usually established by the age of 18 months old.
Other tests:
Not necessary to establish the diagnosis.
MRI is diagnostic in older children, and can be used to localize and establish the extent of the lesion and impairment.
Multidisciplinary team approach.
Intense physical and occupational therapy to improve the motor skills.
For general spasticity:
Oral benzodiazepine, dantrolene, or baclofen.
For localized spasticity:
Botox injections.
CP cannot be cured.
58% of patients will walk independently.
The survival rate is highly variable and dependent on the extent of the motor impairment.
Not all CP patients have intellectual
Shah, Samir S, Jeanine C Ronan, and Brian Alverson. Step-Up To Pediatrics. Print.
Cvetnic, William G, Eduardo Pino, and Christine E Koerner. USMLE Step 2 CK Pediatrics. [New York]: Kaplan, 2011. Print.
Kliegman, Robert. Nelson Textbook Of Pediatrics. Print.
Lissauer, Tom, Graham Clayden, and Alan Craft. Illustrated Textbook Of Paediatrics. Edinburgh: Mosby, 2012. Print.
Cdc.gov,. 'Data And Statistics | Cerebral Palsy | NCBDDD | CDC'. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Uptodate.com,. 'Management And Prognosis Of Cerebral Palsy'. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Al Salloum AA, et al. 'The Prevalence Of Neurological Disorders In Saudi Children: A Community-Based Study. - Pubmed - NCBI'. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Le T, Bhushan V, Singh Bagga H. First aid for the USMLE step 2 CK. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2012.
First author: Roaa Amer
Reviewers: Lama Al Luhidan
Haneen Al Farhan
Format Editor : Adel Yasky
Audio recording:
Read by: Nada Alhassan
Directed by: Rana Alzahrani
Audio production: Bayan Alzomaili