Bronchial Asthma
Study Guide
A chronic condition characterized by reversible airway inflammation, airway hyper-responsiveness, bronchoconstriction, and mucus hypersecretion.
More common in developed countries.
Approximately 300 million people worldwide have asthma and the number is expected
to rise to 400 million by 2025.
The overall prevalence of asthma in Saudi children ranges between 8-25%.
Remodeling is a prominent feature of chronic asthma.
Classification of asthma in general (overlapping):
Causes & Risk Factors:
Clinical Presentation:
Asthma Patients usually complain of episodic attacks of three cardinal symptoms (it is not necessary for all the symptoms to be present):
Shortness of breath
Nocturnal cough might be the prominent presenting symptom in children.
Various triggers precipitate attacks:
Cold Air
Viral infections
Aspirininduced asthma should be suspected in patients with asthma & nasal polyps.
Diagnosis & Investigations:
History & physical examination:
PE: is usually normal (except for wheezing on auscultation.)
Lung function test:
The Gold Standard method for diagnosis.
Very helpful in assessing the reversibility of asthma.
Requires a cooperative patient which is usually > 6Y/O.
Diagnosis is made when there is >12% improvement in the FEV1 after the inhalation of bronchodilators (e.g.: beta 2 agonist).
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR):
Very helpful in assessing the patient’s asthma activity, and long-term assessment
Exercise tests:
Two methods (one of the following):
The patient should run for 6 min on a treadmill while increasing the heart rate to > 160 beats/min.
Cold air challenge, isocapnic hyperventilation, or aerosol challenge with hypertonic saline.
Negative test does not rule out asthma.
Histamine or methacoline bronchial provocation test:
Proves the presence of airway hyper-responsiveness.
Useful in assessing patients with cough as a prominent feature.
Should not be used with poor lung function FEV1<1.5 L.
Chest X-ray:
Not diagnostic, but hyperinflation might be noted.
To exclude:
Pneumothorax as it can be as complication.
Pulmonary infiltrates as it might cause acute asthma exacerbation.
Sputum test:
Charcot Leiden crystals: eosinophilic inclusions.
Curschmann's spirals: spiral plug of mucus.
Carbon monoxide transfer test is normal in asthmatic patients.
Aborting the symptoms of asthma.
Maintain a normal or near normal lung function.
Reduce the risk of severe acute attacks.
Allow normal growth for children.
Minimize the school absence and maintaining normal physical activity.
First step in the management is identification and elimination of the extrinsic
causes of asthma (allergens).
Pharmacological treatment:
According to the severity of the clinical symptoms of asthma:
Most common side effect of SABA is tremors.
Most common side effect of inhaled steroids are oral thrush, hoarseness, and/or throat.
Status asthmaticus:
Acute respiratory failure:
Due to respiratory muscles fatigue.
Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and atelectasis.
Avoid the use of beta-blockers in asthmatic patients.
Acute Severe Asthma (Status Asthmaticus):
Definition: exacerbation of the asthma that is not responding to usual medications.
Signs & symptoms:
Inability to complete a whole sentence.
Respiratory rate ≥ 25 breath/min.
Tachycardia ≥110 bpm.
Peak flow meter <60% of predicted normal.
Pulse oximetry to monitor oxygen saturation in the blood.
Increased A-a gradient.
Low pH.
Chest X-ray:
To rule out pneumonia, or pneumothorax.
Life threatening asthma attacks
usually present with:
1. Silent chest
2. confusion or coma
3. Bradycardia or hypotension
Agabegi S, Agabegi E, Ring A. Step-up to medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.
Kumar P, Clark M. Kumar & Clark's clinical medicine.
Walker B, Colledge N, Ralston S, Penman I. Davidson's principles and practice of medicine.
Fischer C. Master the boards.
- Treatment of acute exacerbations of asthma in adults [Internet]. 2016 [cited 11 January 2016]. Available from:
- Asthma Triggers | [Internet]. 2016 [cited 11 January 2016]. Available from: (Figure 1).
- Asthma: Practice Essentials, Background, Anatomy [Internet]. 2016 [cited 11 January 2016]. Available from: (Figure 2).
- File:Charcot-Leyden crystals in airway- Asthma.jpg - Wikimedia Commons [Internet]. 2016 [cited 11 January 2016]. Available from: (Figure 3).
New England Journal of Medicine. Curschmann's Spirals — NEJM [Internet]. 2016 [cited 11 January 2016]. Available from: (Figure 4).
First author: Roaa Amer
Second author: Raed Rayani
Publisher: Salman Alahmed
Reviewed by: Musab Al Shareef Haifa Al Issa